
New Year 2017 (really do?)

2017 ?? its really or i'm still sleepy beyond 2016 ??
what to say, time's moving faster dude.. 
also im getting older.. 25th this year?? yoo its nearly half century.. OMG..
so wht ur guys 2017 wishes to be achieve? mine? 
1. wish to meet Our Prophet again & again (umrah/Haji)
>i would love to do both<
2. make sure my younger sista get her master (we do need someone that can be 'da doc' in our familia)
3. settle all debts (free from the debt)
4. buy a car (wishlist 2016, but still can't due to highest commitment~ bruh~~)
5. set up my life perfectly

May all of our dream come true and Allah ease our plan 

P/s : Hi, i'm husna, i'm 25th year old, currently working as cleaner at some place in this tiny world. 

06 Feb 2016 ~ Berakhir Segalanya~

Patut la xde hati langsung nak balik tengok abah kat hospital even aku cuti panjang.. dapat rase mcm if x  balik lagi baik but bile bonda cakap balik la, tengok kejap pom jadi.. bacekan yassin utk abah ke ape ke.. sian abah.. bonda?  even ape yg da jadi kat bonda.. ape yg adik2 abah tuduh hina maki bonda still showing respect kat abah.. 

Then i realise that will be the last day for all of us.. on 10.30 pm before im going to sleep, i do say in my heart " oh Allah please wake me up before 12 am".. indeed Allah granted my wishes with suprise.. My older brother calling and claim that our father passed away.. yg buat sakit hati bile yg bagitahu abah da xde tu org lain yg xde kne mngena dgn kitaorg.. isteri abah tu xde nk call bagitahu even dye ade no akak dgn abg.. why human could be so cruel? damn it..  

11:30 pm, kitaorg g hospital secepat mungkin and nmpk pompuan tu sebok call sedara mara dye, n smue sedara dye pandng kitaorg mcm hina sgt.. well people donno our story.. just know our status as the children for abah.. i know its to late.. abah da xde.. kejap sgt2..

abah koma mase kitaorg kat madinah.. everyday aku doa juz for this time, give me time to taking care of abah.. im to busy thinking about my work.. about others.. about my own problems before i realize that my own father do need me there.. but keep busy thinking that he have her own damn it wife which is he left us for that woman.. too busy thinking all the past.. and the present we do lost our father before he can see us fully grown up as a woman and man.. 

its my own mistake for leaving u fully to that woman.. they said she can take care of u more than we afford too.. they said u will live longer with her rather than stay with us.. yes its too late to apologize for everything.. but Allah know what the best for us as human being.. yes i lost u up here in this world.. but i have found u deep down inside my truly heart.. its my biggest mistake to trust others for taking care of u.. and trust that abah siblings will covered u up forever.. end up u passed away without one of your siblings beside u and no one are there to please your dead body.. i will remember all wht they do to us.. so i know, its my family.. i should take care all by our self.. Please rest in Peace.. We love u as much as we know.. 

#Its Never Too Late for Allah..

Happy New Yar~

Lagi 2 hari je tgal nk buat umrah.. hope sgt boleh buat yg tbaik utk Allah.. May Allah ease our family plan..Thanks bonda sebab make my wish come true.. I akan buat yg terbaik utk bonda dgn papa and our small family.. Selama ni i da banyak menyusahkan my parents, sebok dahulukan kawan2 dan org yg x pernah cube utk paham dn hormatkn bonda.. but now.. everything i do just for bonda n papa.. forever i will be with them and always. 

#Allah still give us a chance to make a changes~

Sometimes little can be more~

Normally as human being, we tend to do something which is we know its wrong.. its not about why.. mostly its about human courage to be challenge.. without thinking about wht gonna happen.. literally they know all the consequences of this kind of things but still do it.. 
I'm not gonna share about definition of human being.. just query about this kind of thought. 

Angah and adik,, sadly adik was taken away by someone... errmm
so in this life.. nothing stay still forever,, do think before you make any unwisely decision which is can make your life more miserable and plus disaster,,

i do make mistake. i will always make one. its wht human being are tend to do. either its new or just an history to be redo. 

#practice make perfect ,but nothing in life and love can be perfecto

Why Yellow~

Seriously, i left the blogger world long time enough until now i realize that this the only based for me to express anything.. even with or without a reader.. i will share all my thought nor opinion.. 

my lil sister always said that, if u have owe to anyone do settle it.. even with your own family.. coz things like this will make us hard if anything happen in the future.. 

Dear Family, i will not make its hard for any of u.. 

Dear Friend, do come and leave just a friend.. never come with more than that and leave be like bear a grudge.. **i dont know if its true idioms or not.. hahaha

Dear All, im nothing without u.. without the past nor with the present..

Recently im kind of addicted in yellow colors.. so i want everything in yellow.. even my own cupcakes..
i did't know why or how but i do love yellow colors.. i really hate yellow when on my childhood.. i do think this color looks like jelly or something.. 
but when im growing up.. when i decide to changes everything.. seems that this the only things that cant go far from me.. its seems like i have to accept it as a fate that.. yellow was my life color.. why? im still searching of it.. never know why until now.. but its comes with dignity.. passion.. loved.. and kindness.. its like gives me courage to do something new.. for a better life..

#define your true colors. find the one color perfectly fine with your soul~

A Lovely Day ~

Normally people get tired easily on something we had to do everyday except for the job aka work which is we do it for money.. its totally different.. when comes with dignity, responsibility, hard work, wht u loved to do but u wont be loved to do it~ sometimes my words do hard to understood.. take it easy.. u will learn it.. hehehehe.. 

As my family just had a feast for our planning trip to mecca, i would love to share some of the pictures.. do smile everyone.. never know when the end of our lives.. breath and smile.. 
The one who we call as org kuat on this kenduri.. 

They used to be rockers when the oldies time.. they have reunite back..
Awie's rock~

When come to the food,, no one will take easy on it.. trust me.. people more concerned on food than human being~

The Imam and the Big sister.. we shud let the guest eat first but they insist bcoz they are monster of hungry... hahaha

3 women in a frame.. shud ignored the man.. hahaha.. 
And the last but not least.. sort of surprised.. im being what im wanna be.. wht i loved to be.. wht my parents proud to talk about.. thats all i need to be.. 
The one who will make you'r life miserable.. hehehe.. 

would love to write an whole pages but doesn't have enough of time since im updating on office hours.. do apologize on any bad words.. im still new in this type of writing.. im will always be the new one.. 

# You had the believe anyone can defeat you, thts will make u so wrong~

When End Come Near~

Basically everything seems nice.. seems ok.. nothing changes.. the same person keep blaming people.. the one who totally keep pushing others for the own goodness.. but it's just OK for us? for our life? for our own condition.. do they even think for a moment to the one they keep blame / push / mad.. don they know wht karma it is? sometimes i do think wisely before act to others kot.. but seems like their don even care or scare about it.. 

but deep inside my heart i do hope all of this things going around even more faster.. no more sadness.. no more painful.. no more war.. its bcoz me as a human being cant do anything.. barely nothing~

im dreaming.. yet im still dreaming.. i donno when will i can wake up and faces an reality world.. all the problems.. all the people.. 
Bonda always said.. protect yourself.. get strong.. be strongest.. keep being useful for others.. dont let others make u suffer like the oldies one.. 

Im trying.. always trying.. to be the best for them.. as one and only child could die for their happiness.. 

Everyday.. before going to sleep..  i'll make sure i can see they faces clearly.. hears the voices.. life was short.. and its not keep longer.. no one can deny tht.. what eva will happen.. i just want the best for them.. 

I wanna make damn sure, if i die, they have something tht could make them proud of me.. 

#life is short. We have trusted we can make it longer~
